2008[一条蕉皮爱死你]Banana Skin[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-08-12 / 发布时间:2017-08-12


【导演】:Ali Atshani
【主演】: Hamid Farokhnezhad/Behnoush Tabatabai/Houshang Harirchian
【上映时间】: 2008
【原名】:Banana Skin
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部一条蕉皮爱死你片中,生不如死?這是我看過最過癮的一部伊朗電影!貌似喬寶寶的男主角 Hamid,是年輕的金融才俊,一日他被車撞至陷入昏迷,旋即展開他流連忘返的幽靈生活,更對同是幽靈的 Arezou 一見鍾情。好戲在後頭!窈窕淑女,君子當然好逑,可是Hamid 忽然從昏迷中甦醒過來,與Arezou 陰陽永隔。怎麼辨?Hamid 唯有想盡辦法扭轉六壬,去死。死原來不易,可是要生存更難。此片道盡穆斯林世界對生命的看法,笑中有淚。天之所命人必從之?一條蕉皮,可以是一切的終結,亦可以是一切的開始。 *2008 西班牙Ourense國際電影節參展電影 香港亞洲獨立電影節2008 Somehow like a film and Iranian version of Andy Riley’s best selling black comic The Bunny Suicides, Banana Skin narrates a hilarious life-and-death story of Hamid, who is a workaholic wunderkind having everything he requires for a comfortable life, but no time to enjoy it when a freaky car accident puts him into a coma. Life as a playful spirit wandering around, as Hamid later discovers, is not that bad after all – especially when he encounters the adorable spirit Arezou, another accident victim, and falls for her at first sight. The plot thickens when he wakes up from the coma out of the blue; devoted to see Arezou again, he strives whatever it takes to be dead once more. Yet, this may not seem as easy as it sounds… Taking an original and light approach of viewing the death and the afterlife, the comedic Banana Skin engages the audience with a question of duality between life and death. It’s such an irony that a banana skin can be both the end of everything, and the beginning of everything… *Official Selection, Ourense International Film Festival 2008 Hong Kong Asia Independent Film Festival 2008


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