
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-04-16 / 发布时间:2016-05-11


【导演】:N. Maharajan
【主演】: 玛拉伊卡·阿罗拉/拉吉.巴巴尔/Rana Jung Bahadur/Rajat Bedi
【标签】: 剧情/喜剧/动作
【制片地区/国家】:印度 Indian
【语言】:北印度语 Hindi
【上映时间】: 2001-10-26(印度)
【片长】: 180
【又名】:Hindistanlik Sakqi/印度刑警/indian
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:5.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0300028
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部印度人剧情/喜剧/动作片中,拉吉.谢卡尔.阿扎德(饰Sunny Deol)是一名忠于双拳,正直的警察局局长。他唯一的任务是消除腐败,把国家的敌人对消灭到底。但每位爱国者给敌方带来很大的危机。 Wasim Khan(穆克什.里希)是一个危险性的恐怖分子,他是48个国家和地区通缉的要犯。在政府的很多贪官和被收买的一些军官的帮助下Wasim Khan在印度住了那么久,一直没有抓获。他在印度的最大靠山是商业大亨Shankar Singhania(丹尼·邓宗帕)。 虽然拉吉.谢卡尔.阿扎德抓获了Wasim Khan,但他的压力也很大。政府和警察系统腐败个这么底部,给他的工作带来了很大的故障。但他最后还是消除了一切障碍,把Wasim Khan处置了印度的法律。

A brave Indian policeman named Raj beats up and then arrests a Muslim terrorist by the name of Khan. This gets him promoted, and he is congratulated by none other than his father-in-law, who is also a very high ranking policeman. Then all of a sudden, Raj finds out that many policemen would like to see Khan go free. He discusses this issue with his father-in-law, and to his surprise, does not find any support from him. Disagreements and arguments ensue, and as a result, his father-in-law gets killed. The Police suspect Raj of killing him, they begin the process of arresting him, he runs away, while Khan is all set to get freed to do whatever he likes.


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