2018[百万碎片]A Million Little Pieces[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-12-19 / 发布时间:2019-12-11


【主演】: 亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊/查理·汉纳姆/比利·鲍伯·松顿/朱丽叶特·刘易斯
【标签】: 剧情
【上映时间】: 2018-09-10(多伦多电影节) / 2019-08-30(英国) / 2019-12-06(美国)
【片长】: 113
【原名】:A Million Little Pieces
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:6.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0427543
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部百万碎片剧情片中,夫妻档亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊与萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊又要合作了,他们将把“臭名昭著”的畅销书、讲述吸毒“瘾君子”的《百万碎片》(A Million Little Pieces)拍成电影,计划丈夫出演、妻子导演。两人曾这样合作电影《无处的男孩》(并因此相恋)。《百万碎片》项目也很狗血:原作是James Frey写的书,卖得非常好,03年推出后就是各大电影公司争夺的目标,并在当年由华纳取得改编权,布拉德·皮特和詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、布拉德·格雷任制片人。 然而电影还没拍好,2006年Frey被曝出丑闻,这本市面上被归类为“自传”的书夹杂了很多不实信息,Frey对他的经历进行了修饰润色。此后Frey被批为“大骗子”,选这本书进入她创办的“奥普拉读书俱乐部”的主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞也称受到欺骗,电影项目也成了烫手山芋,几经波折。 但故事本身确实很引人入胜,讲述男主角在一架飞往芝加哥的飞机上醒来,随后开始进行康复治疗。书中对挣扎在吸毒、酗酒、犯罪中的人、绝望的人的展现和剖析让人震撼。

Chicago, 1993. At his 23 years-old, James Fray is a lost soul involved in a spiral of auto-destruction due to his addiction at drugs and alcohol. After of all a night of party consuming and drinking, James falls accidentally by a balcony of the house where he was, breaking his nose. When he wakes up of the drunk and his high hours later, he finds himself in an airplane with destination Minnesota to be interned in the Hazelden Foundation, a legendary facility center for addicts. Reluctant to follow any process to overpass from his addictions, in the center meets another patients in treatment: Leonard, a foul-mouthed former member of the mob; John, a deranged sexual obsessive unable to contain his primary impulses; Roy, who has a bipolar disorder with religious delirium; and Miles, a clarinet player and former judge who turns in his roommate. Despite the rules of the center prevent all kind of contact between men and women, whose are treated in a different pavilion of the center, James ...


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