
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-05-27 / 发布时间:2020-05-27


【主演】: 高捷/严栋瀚
【标签】: 爱情/短片/家庭
【上映时间】: 2018-08-13(中国大陆)
【片长】: 27
【又名】:Home Away
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt8537410
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部回我的家爱情/短片/家庭片中,《回我的家》北京电影学院2018届研究生毕业联合作业 片长:27分 类型:家庭/亲情/爱情 指导老师:穆德远 特别出演:高捷 故事梗概 到了三十岁却还是一事无成的编剧李凡落魄地生活在北京。有一天,他突然接到一通电话,告知他独自在福建生活的父亲罹患重症,给他打电话的人是他多年前因人生理想追求不同而分手的,留在故乡的前女友。 当火车穿过北方冬日里荒芜的原野,李凡也在思索自己这几年落魄潦倒的北漂生活是否应该画上一个句号了。而这次回家陪父亲走完人生最后一段路,似乎是为他的认输所准备的,最完美的借口。 然而,当李凡真正回到家,直到发现落寞的故乡早已物是人非,连父亲也将要离他而去,他才明白,这里已经不再是他的家了。 人生的路该怎么走?李凡和很多在大城市打拼的年轻人一样迷茫着。 冬日里的海边,生命即将走到尽头的父亲道出了不为人知的往事,也给了李凡一个答案。 几个月后,父亲去世了,在他的衣柜里,李凡无意间发现了父亲的秘密,也是父亲最深的爱意。 主创名单 导演:徐响 编剧:张吉,徐响 主演:严栋瀚 摄影:李林翰 制片主任:赵一潞 美术:韩碧 录音:曹星卓 声音设计:段佩琦 声音制作:张天赋,段佩琦,王佳昕,崔峥,逄博 作曲:吕霄骁 特效:冯敬涛 调色:周墨 剪辑:王培冲 人物造型:孟凡迪

Li Fan, a down-and-out scriptwriter living in Beijing, has attained the age of 30 and still achieved nothing. One day, he receives a phone call and is told that his father, who lives alone in his hometown in the south, was diagnosed with glioblastoma stage IV. This phone call is from Li Fan's ex-girlfriend, who broke up with him years ago due to their different life pursuits and chose to stay in their hometown. As the train crosses through the desolate wilderness of the northern winter, Li Fan is also pondering whether his dog's life should be drawn to an end. This time, returning home to accompany his father on the last journey seems to be the most perfect excuse prepared for his surrender. However, when Li Fan arrives at home, facing this deserted small town in South Fujian, his married ex-girlfriend and his stubborn father, he get to realize that this place is no longer his home. How to fare the journey of life? Li Fan is as confused as many young people struggling in big cities. ...



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