
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-17 / 发布时间:2016-05-02


【主演】: 小栗旬/石原里美/相武纱季/井浦新
【标签】: 剧情/喜剧/爱情
【又名】:富贵男贫穷女/多金社长小资女(台)/Rich Man, Poor Woman
【评分】:豆瓣:8.2 ,IMDB:7.9
【IMDb链接】: tt2404115
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.fujitv.co.jp/richman-poorwoman/


在这部有钱男与贫穷女剧情/喜剧/爱情片中,数年前,同窗好友日向彻(小栗旬 饰)和朝比奈恒介(井浦新 饰)白手起家创立了IT企业Next Innovation。短短数年后,NI成为最受瞩目的新创公司,年仅29岁的日向也成为个人资产达250亿日元超级单身富豪。与只有初中文凭的日向形成鲜明对比的是,系出东大名门的大四女生夏井真琴(石原里美 饰)在就活战线上饱受创伤,身心疲惫不堪。奇妙的机缘将原本没有任何交集的两人联系在一起,性格存在缺陷的日向和谨慎过度的千寻彼此发生着碰撞,又相互吸引与感动。 现代社会职场中的灰姑娘故事就此上演,而沉着冷静朝比奈和他开朗乐观的妹妹燿子(相武亚季 饰)则见证着这一悲喜交加的现代浪漫故事……©豆瓣

Sawaki Chihiro, a hardworking student from Tokyo University right out of college, is having a hard time finding a job due to her lack of experience. At a job interview she meets Hyuga Toru, billionaire CEO of a software firm and head of 'Next Innovation' company, but he dismisses her early on because she doesn't meet the requirements: to have job offers from two other companies. Frustrated about the situation and the way she's been treated, she snaps at him and starts ranting off all the information she's learned about his company. Not very impressed at her memorization skills, her name, the same name of a woman he's been looking for years, does leave an impression with him. So, while he's trying to get a government contract on a population census and information project that he feels quite deeply about, he contacts Chihiro and offers her a one day job, as he needs someone to memorize the project data and help convince the government official he's never seen eye to eye with, but that he hopes will be more inclined to listen to a fellow Tokyo University graduate like Chihiro.

一部GREE成长史,田中良和如果长得很帅的话。毛小孩和唠叨女的爱情 ////!!!。建国教你做产品。能一集集追的日剧越来越少了。超萌超欢快的纯爱剧(更新第四话剧评)。伤害他的人是我。偷偷爱着你(同步至02。要是我是男人我也要女主啊。神马棒子剧呦,这剧把我这大叔看的如少女一般啊。《Rich man Poor woman》——后乔布斯时代。


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