
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-22 / 发布时间:2016-09-30


【又名】:Submarine 707R
【评分】:豆瓣:6.6 ,IMDB:5.8
【IMDb链接】: tt2387766
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Animation/SS-707/


在这部潜艇代号707R片中,谈到《潜水艇707R》可能大家非常陌生,其实这部作品大有来头,原著是1963~1965年在《周刊少年SUNDAY》(小学馆)上连载的人气漫画「サブマリン707」。原作者小泽さとるが曾参与过《青之6号》的制作,早年曾是大名顶顶的的常磐庄成员之一,跟随手冢大神,小泽さとるが的《潜艇707》、寺田ヒロオ的《Sportman 金太郎》(「スポーツマン金太郎」)、藤子不二雄的《海的王子》、《怪物 Q 太郎》、横山光辉的《伊贺的影丸》、赤冢不二夫的《おそ松くん》等等,打下了Sunday帝国的半壁江山,直到现在Sunday仍保持着这个方针: 起用成名、实力强的漫画家, 画他们擅长的领域的作品。小泽さとるが的《潜艇707》就现在看来画面简单,仍然拥有很大的读者群。

To combat the terrorist organization known as "USR", eleven countries combine their naval forces to form the Peace-Keeping Navy (PKN). However, all hell breaks loose when Admiral Red and his USR submarine UX crash the PKN's inaugural ceremony and destroy majority of the fleet. At the last minute, when the UX lands the final blow on the aircraft carrier Apollo-Norm, the obsolete Japanese submarine 707 (a.k.a. "Snapping Turtle") appears from out of nowhere and sacrifices itself to save the PKN flagship. Six months later, Captain Youhei Hayami is called back to duty to lead a new group of recruits and captain an all-new 707 in the war against terrorism underwater.


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