1938[The Lone Ranger][BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-08-13 / 发布时间:2017-08-13


【标签】: 西部
【上映时间】: 1938
【片长】: 264 (15 episodes)
【原名】:The Lone Ranger
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.0
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部The Lone Ranger西部片中,主人公是一名戴着面具的游侠(类似于佐罗),他原本是德州骑警,在追捕一伙不法之徒时险些送命,在印第安人Tonto(约翰尼·德普)的治疗和照顾下逐渐康复,并从此戴上面具、骑着白马和Tonto一起在西部旷野惩恶扬善。

CHAP. 1, HI YO SILVER: An outlaw leader planning to take control of Texas after the Civil War kills Colonel Jeffries, a man empowered to levy taxes, and assumes his identity. His men then murder a troop of Rangers. Tonto finds one Ranger still alive and he becomes the Lone Ranger. A Jeffries spy thinks one of five men is the Lone Ranger and to eliminate his enemy, Jeffries has all five captured and sentenced to death. CHAP. 2, THUNDERING EARTH: Jeffries' men plan to wipe out a wagon train of Texans. CHAP. 3, PITFALL: Jeffries forces Blanchard to send a recommendation that he be made Governor. The Lone Ranger chases the courier but a spiked pit awaits him. CHAP. 4, AGENT OF TREACHERY: Jeffries prepares another trap for the Lone Ranger. CHAP. 5, STEAMING CALDRON: Catching one of Jeffries' men who trailed a wounded Jim Clark to their secret caved, there is a fight and the Lone Ranger ends up trapped in a pit with a steaming cauldron. CHAP. 6, RED MAN'S COURAGE: Clark dies from his wounds...

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