2007[我们回家吧]Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-03-28 / 发布时间:2017-05-01


【导演】:Richard Robbins
【主演】: 博·布里奇斯/艾伦·艾克哈特/克里斯托弗·戈勒姆/罗伯特·杜瓦尔
【标签】: 纪录片
【上映时间】: 2007-02-09
【片长】: USA: 81
【原名】:Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.3
【IMDb链接】: tt0970184
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部我们回家吧纪录片片中,与其他关于伊拉克战争的纪录片不同,该片深刻揭示了身处战争前线的人们的内心世界。该片收集参加伊拉克和阿富汗战争的美国士兵们写下的文稿。深刻揭示了当今美国参与地区冲突中人文的一面,它的出现恰逢其时,也是永恒的,将永远改变你对战争的看法。 导演简历 Richard E. Robbins(理查德•E•罗宾斯) Richard E. Robbins(理查德•E•罗宾斯)是一位获奖的制片人和导演,他为PBS(美国公共广播公司)、cable(有限电视台)和network television(网络电视台)制作纪录片已有十多年。他制作的节目范围很广,从历史、政治到当今的重大事件。他是Documentary Group(纪录片集团公司)的创始人之一。 在1998年到2004年期间,他主要为ABC News(美国广播公司新闻台)的Peter Jennings(彼得•詹宁斯)制作纪录片。2000年,他随同Jennings(詹宁斯)前往印度、巴基斯坦和两国的争议地带克什米尔地区拍摄 “Dark Horizon”(《黑色地平线》)-一部深刻揭露南亚次大陆核问题的纪录片。他设法找到并采访了隶属于Al Qaeda(阿尔盖达)组织的在喜马拉雅西部丘陵地带活动的激进组织成员。9•11事件发生后,Robbins(罗宾斯)在2001年为ABC News(美国广播公司新闻台)制作了各种不同的节目,包括Jennings(詹宁斯)的特别节目“Answering Children’s Questions”(回答孩子们的问题),该节目获得了Columbia School of Journalism(哥伦比亚新闻学校)“DuPont”(杜邦)奖。在2001年和2002年秋天,他在巴基斯坦和阿富汗为ABC News(美国广播公司新闻台)制作战争报导,为“World News Tonight”(今夜世界新闻)和“Nightline”(夜线)节目提供新闻。 2003年,他来到洛杉矶,通过协商,得到了前所未有的与LAPD(洛杉矶重案组)接触的机会。他的影片“Peter Jennings Reporting: LAPD”(《Peter Jennings(彼得•詹宁斯)关于LAPD(洛杉矶重案组)的报道》)记录了为改善洛杉矶周边地区非常恶劣的治安状况而进行的努力。在他为ABC News(美国广播公司新闻台)工作期间,他制作了各种节目和特别事件新闻报道,包括总统选举和2000年1月1日的24小时的“进入2000年”的电视报道节目。Robbins(罗宾斯)在1993年加入ABC News(美国广播公司新闻台)后进入了电视业。在1998年加入Jennings(詹宁斯)的节目以前,他做了几年的独立纪录片制片人和PBS(美国公共广播公司)的“Frontline”(《前线》)系列片的联合制片人。 http://www.gzdoc.com/cn_2007/Documart/D-CN/hui_jia_xing_dong.htm

A unique documentary about troops' experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, based on writings by soldiers, Marines, and air men. Some writings were published in the New Yorker in summer 2006. A larger assortment was published as a book by Random House last September. The film drew upon the submissions by soldiers for the book. It's a remarkable portrait of troops at war - the complexities, doubts, and fears - written with honesty. The 81-minute version of the film (which will be in theatres) includes 11 pieces of writing, with different visual strategies, along with interviews with the writers, and with more established American writers who are also veterans. In the latter group are Tim O'Brien, Yusef Komunyakaa, Tobias Wolff, Joe Haldeman, James Salter, Anthony Swofford, Richard Currey, and Paul Fussell. The visual approaches range from poet Brian Turner reading directly to camera, to archival footage, to an animated "graphic novel," to a still photo sequence shot by photographer Antonin Kratochvil. It's rooted in a program by the NEA that created a series of writing workshops at military bases. After those workshops, the writers submitted pieces for consideration in the book, edited by Andy Carroll. From those writings were selected 11 for inclusion in the film. There is also a 53-minute version of this film which will be airing on PBS as part of the series "America at a Crossroads" in April, 2007. Both of these are different from the other film 'Operation Homecoming" from 2007, directed by Lawrence Bridges. That piece was produced by the NEA as a documentary about their writing workshops.


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