1901[三头女人]Bouquet d'illusions[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-01-18 / 发布时间:2020-01-18


【导演】:乔治·梅里爱 Georges Méliès
【主演】: 乔治·梅里爱
【标签】: 奇幻/短片
【上映时间】: 1902-05(美国)
【原名】:Bouquet d'illusions
【又名】:La femme à trois têtes/The Triple Headed Lady/Wonderful Feats of Vivisection
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0222843
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部三头女人奇幻/短片片中,“Bouquet of illusions” is a short film French directed by Georges Méliès , released in 1901 in France and May 1902 , under the name of “the woman with three heads” , the United States in the early silent film . A most astounding film, showing a lady with three heads. These are taken away one after the other, and seem to be quite as lively when separated from the body as they were when united. The conjuror who is performing the trick also removes his own head without suffering any inconvenience, and walks about without it. There are also any number of other changes in this film, which has to be seen to be fully appreciated. —————— Frank Brinton was the son of a wealthy Iowa farmer, who also built a number of early airships in the 1890’s. He traveled the Midwest from 1879 to 1915 with his wife Indiana, first showing their pre-cinematic magic lantern slides. Since 1895, they were among the first to show moving images in the US. Michael Zahs, a retired teacher, discovered their fabulous magic lantern slide and film collection in 1981 in the basement of their old house. Part of the collection was preserved by the American Film Institute in the early 1980’s and deposited at the Library of Congress. The rest of the collection is being preserved today with the funding from Special Collections, the University of Iowa Library. In 2014, Serge Bromberg identified a lost George Méliès film in dreadful condition among the treasures of the Brinton Collection. Bouquet d’illusions was restored at Lobster Films laboratories in 2016, and is presented in Bologna in official world premiere.

A most astounding film, showing a lady with three heads. These are taken away one after the other, and seem to be quite as lively when separated from the body as they were when united. The conjuror who is performing the trick also removes his own head without suffering any inconvenience, and walks about without it. There are also any number of other changes in this film, which has to be seen to be fully appreciated.


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