2020[天气好的话,我会去找你]날씨가 좋으면 찾아가겠어요[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2024-03-14 / 发布时间:2020-02-27


【主演】: 朴敏英/徐康俊/文晶熙/李宰旭/金焕熙/南基爱/金永大/杨惠智/林世美
【标签】: 爱情
【原名】:날씨가 좋으면 찾아가겠어요
【又名】:When the Weather Is Fine / I'll Find You on a Beautiful Day
【评分】:豆瓣:8.5 ,IMDB:7.2
【IMDb链接】: tt11535086
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



Hae Won is an ordinary woman with good character. She has played the cello since she was a child. Hae Won began her social life with her ability to play the cello, but, during that time, she was hurt emotionally by others. Due to that, Hae Won does not trust people and she has closed her heart to others. Hae Won becomes sick and tired of her life in Seoul and decides to move back to her hometown Bookhyun Village. There, Hae Won meets Eun Seop. He runs the bookshop "Goodnight Bookstore." Eun Seop's daily life is simple. He wakes up and drinks coffee, reads a book and writes on his blog. Eun Seop's daily life begins to change after he meets Hae Won. (Source: Han Cinema, AsianWiki)

不管天气好坏 穿搭请“治愈”(扒剧服,更新完结)。你是冬日里的一首诗。晚安书房|林恩叶的博客非公开日志。把人生翻篇,也许只需要一个晴天。(11、12集&OST5)那些说不出口的话,都是我爱你。做了第四集中海媛在集市吃的白菜饼。细说《天气好的话,我会去找你》大结局。无声的表演。金宝英当然讨人厌啦~!。人生並不那麼長,不必提前擔心,反正我們終將離去。


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