
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-01-21 / 发布时间:2020-01-21


【导演】:Yuqi Yin
【标签】: 喜剧/战争/科幻
【又名】:The Lost Dinosaur Valley
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt1754150
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部小恐龙大战外星人喜剧/战争/科幻片中,六千五百万年前,在亚洲南部草原上某处,有一个恐龙谷。山谷中有一片长条状的湖。湖的一边住着食草恐龙,另一边住着食肉恐龙。霸王龙们经常从唯一连通双方的山路过来抓捕食草恐龙。为保护食草龙,遁甲龙,剑龙,三角龙,组建起一个铁甲军团,对抗霸王龙。当双方爆发冲突,战斗如火如荼之时,云层中突然出现一只巨大的外星飞碟。飞碟中飞出很多小战斗机,外星人抓走了几十只恐龙。意识到必须团结在一起了,食草恐龙与食肉恐龙双方终于结束了战斗。双方根据小舞的计划,组建了一支联合救援特别行动队,摧毁了外星人的母舰,最终恐龙们彻底战胜了外星人。食草恐龙和食肉恐龙也终于明白了团结起来是可以打败看似不可战胜的外星人。 是的,团结的力量是无限的。他们和解了。不再互相争斗,而是和平共处。恐龙谷从此一片祥和。这是由苏州舞之数码动画制作有限公司为8至16岁左右的男孩量身制作的一部恐龙题材的动画——《小恐龙大战外星人》

The target audiences of the cartoon TV series, Lost Dinosaur Valley are boys around 12. For this project, a 22-minutes-per-episode, 24-episode TV drama together with a 85-minute movie are now in progress. The story tells about two antagonistic dinosaur tribes, in order to save themselves from the intruding alien army, form a battle alliance and finally defeat the high-tech extraterrestrial civilization. The clear story line with lots of affecting climaxes makes it could be adapted into RPG games. In the story there are also many quests to be accomplished by the characters, thus it's also fit to be adapted into on-line games. The originally designed cartoon characters, especially the avant-garde alien images are suitable for the development of related products and franchising.


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