
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-08-20 / 发布时间:2016-07-20


【标签】: 动画/儿童/奇幻
【片长】: 12
【又名】:Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac: Origins of the Twelve
【评分】:豆瓣:8.8 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt3224208
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部生肖传奇之十二生肖闯江湖动画/儿童/奇幻片中,《生肖传奇之十二生肖闯江湖》共52集, 每集12分钟。全剧以玉帝委命灶王爷到凡 间寻找大地守护神开篇,精彩演绎了十二 生肖克服千难万险,经受重重考验,通 过泰山选圣,晋升为十二圣兽的传奇。 玉帝任命灶王爷前往凡间寻找十二位大地 守护神,这让身居仙班末位的灶王爷诚惶 诚恐。他奉旨而行,却因为与老鼠小贼多 来米的误打误撞,将选圣一事昭告天下。 于是,故事的主角——十二生肖悉数登 场,他们怀着各自的向往和理想,奔赴选 圣赛场:泰山。 风尘仆仆的十二生肖,历经风光迥异的地 方,领略风俗各异的民情,从一路的奇闻 趣事与艰难险阻中不断学习与领悟,成长 为品德高尚的典范。 在泰山的选圣比武大会上,他们以各自独 特的方式打败了对手,赢得了所有人的尊 重和认可,最终成为当之无愧的“十二圣 兽”。

When the Celestial Emperor is overwhelmed by the multitude of issues affecting the earthly plane, the Celestial Empress suggests forging twelve mighty heroes to help ease the daily burden of management. Thus, the Kitchen God-the "hearth-and-home" deity familiar with the workings of earthly life--is appointed to select the twelve heroes with help from Celestial Watchmen Aquila and Sonar. Once the royal edict is posted, animals from all across China begin the trek to the legendary Mount Tai to compete in "The Keeper Tournament". Among them are the rat; ox; tiger; rabbit; dragon; snake; horse; ram; monkey; rooster; dog; and the boar. Fired by the quest to be the best, these twelve contenders pursue their dreams all the way to the final showdown on Mount Tai, having vanquished myriad personal shortcomings along the trail. Their efforts are rewarded as they defeat all comers in the tournament, not only through the use of their individual skills, but with the strength of their moral ...


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