
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-26 / 发布时间:2016-05-12


【主演】: 花江夏树/小野贤章/雨宮天/三澤紗千香
【标签】: 战争/科幻/动画
【片长】: 23
【评分】:豆瓣:7.6 ,IMDB:7.5
【IMDb链接】: tt3544556
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.aldnoahzero.com/


在这部ALDNOAH.ZERO战争/科幻/动画片中,约四十年前,人类在火星发现史前文明“Aldnoah”科技。伴随着火星殖民进程与科技垄断主张,火星开拓民与地球之间的摩擦越发扩大。 2014年,处于休战状态的地球与火星正在进行和平谈判。火星“薇瑟帝国“公主艾瑟依拉姆(雨宫天 配音)以亲善大使的身份访问地球,为打破坚冰做出努力。她的游行车却在日本新芦原市遭到恐怖分子的导弹攻击。火星帝国将其视为地球的宣战公告,随即对地球各国发出攻击,两个星球间的战火再次爆发。受过格斗技与人形战斗兵器训练的地球高中生界冢伊奈帆(花江夏树 配音)与伙伴们加入机甲骑兵战斗。与此同时,公主的侍从斯雷因(小野贤章 配音)亦卷入战争,为救出帝国公主而努力。©豆瓣

In 1972, an ancient alien hypergate was discovered on the surface of the moon. Using this technology, humanity began migrating to Mars and settling there. After settlers discovered additional advanced technology, the Vers Empire was founded, which claimed Mars and its secrets for themselves. Later, the Vers Empire declared war on Earth, and in 1999, a battle on the Moon's surface caused the hypergate to explode, shattering the Moon and scattering remnants into a debris belt around the planet. Cut off from Mars, the remnants of the Vers Empire established several massive orbital space stations within the debris belt and a ceasefire was established. 15 years later, in 2014, an attack on the Vers princess during a peace mission causes the Empire to launch a new attack on Earth, this time determined to conquer it once and for all.



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