
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-10


【主演】: 吴镇宇/田沅/隋俊波/吴玉芳
【标签】: 恐怖
【上映时间】: 2005-11-03
【又名】:Curse of Lola
【评分】:豆瓣:5.2 ,IMDB:5.0
【IMDb链接】: tt0488103
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部诅咒恐怖片中,这是一部由国内导演执导的悬疑片,以舞蹈剧团为背景娓娓展开。就在全城触目的大型舞蹈剧《罗拉》公演前夕,星浩舞蹈团的女主角小美(隋俊波 饰)离奇死在了化妆间,虽然死状恐怖,然而还是没有引起大家的恐慌,剧团的一众女演员又开始了对主角之位勾心斗角的争夺。 最终,年轻漂亮的女演员田(田原 饰)脱颖而出,获得了主角之位。这时,导演给了观众一个迷――小美是田原的灯光师男友镇宇(吴镇宇 饰)的前女友,而镇宇与田又在小美死后先后来到了化妆间。凶手就是他们其中一个?又或者另有其人?©豆瓣

When the leading dancer of Lola is murdered in her dressing room on the very night of the premiere, terror looms over the dance troupe. With the murderer still at large, the coveted role of Lola passes to Tian, a talented but introverted dancer with a traumatic childhood. Suspicion fanned by jealousy soon leads to hostility and rejection from fellow dancers, while figments of childhood memories start haunting her every dream. Tian can only seek solace in the arms of her gaffer boyfriend Zhen. As the murderer strikes again, Tian begins to realize that all the slayings are somehow related to her. No sooner is she inextricably sucked into the curse of the role than she starts suspecting Zhen may actually be harboring a horrifying secret behind these murders and the troupe itself.



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Zu zhou (AKA Curse Of Lola) (2005) 699.2MB
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[诅咒].Curse.Of.Lola.2005.Eng.srt English字
[诅咒].Curse.Of.Lola.2005.Chs.srt 简体中文字