2010[Tatort: Weil sie böse sind][BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-10-18 / 发布时间:2019-10-18


【导演】:Florian Schwarz
【主演】: Michael Proehl/Matthias Tuchmann
【标签】: 犯罪
【上映时间】: 2010-01-03
【片长】: 89
【原名】:Tatort: Weil sie böse sind
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部Tatort: Weil sie böse sind犯罪片中,Tatort: Season 1, Episode 751 Poor little Rolf Herken sees his carreer going downhill as caring for his autistic son becomes more trying each day. So one evening he shows up at the manor of rich Reinhard Staupen to convince him, to let his son join the Staupen's program for special kids. He argues that Herken's forebears once were servants to the Staupen family and that they once went to the gallows for their masters. Staupen, a vile man, refuses and obscenely insults Herken and his son. In a sudden fit of rage, Herken kills Staupen. Noticing that his bloody deed has been caught on camera, he just drops the binder with the evidence about his forebears and leaves, believing he will be arrested in the morning. Enter Balthasar Staupen. Reinhard's disillusioned, cranky son, who finds his father's dead body. Instead of giving all the evidence to the police, he makes everything that points to Herken disappear and then seeks out the man himself, wondering what it will be like to confront the murderer of his father. Herken is scared of Balthasar at first, but as the two come to understand each other better, finds an unlikely friendship with him. Only that Balthasar has plans. Having read Herken's research about the Staupen family, he has become convinced that his entire family is inertly evil. And that Herken is his secret weapon to extinguish their bad seed. He forces his new friend to confront his brutal uncle and haughty aunt and counts on him to kill them. Police detectives Sänger and Dellwo meanwhile are caught up in a bitter rivalry over who will come to succeed their boss as captain. The competition makes them neglect their case, giving Balthasar an amble chance to carry out his plans.

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