1987[夜間動物園]Un zoo la nuit[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-08


【主演】: Gilles Maheu/Roger Lebel
【标签】: 犯罪/剧情/惊悚
【上映时间】: 1988-05-05
【片长】: 115
【原名】:Un zoo la nuit
【又名】:Night Zoo/夜間動物園
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.3
【IMDb链接】: tt0094210
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部夜間動物園犯罪/剧情/惊悚片中,《夜間動物園》是羅桑一鳴驚人之作,也是加拿大金尼獎史上獲獎最多的影片,而它怪異逆轉的影片調性,也極為罕見。電影前半段,出獄的男主角急於重建過去的情感,還要躲避貪污警察的騷擾,充滿黑暗的元素與挑逗的氛圍。後半段父子關係登場,尤其當男主角盡全力要達成父親死前狩獵旅行的夢想時,簡直煽人淚下。其叛逆、震撼、及情感充沛的程度,見證了一個瘋狂天才的誕生。 A man released from prison, attempts to rebuild his relationship with his father, while being pursued by two corrupt cops for drug money he's alleged to possess. Night Zoo is a searing depiction of violent crime, street life, corrupt cops and the loss of the lead character's father, another point which figures strongly in Lauzon's personal life. (from 2006台北電影節)

Marcel, recently released from prison, attempt to rebuild his relationship with his girlfriend Julie (now a prostitute) and especially his father Albert (who thinks he's been away on a long trip abroad), while being pursued by two corrupt cops (one of whom bears a longstanding grudge against him) for drug money he's alleged to possess...


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