2008[失落的岛屿]Lost Islands[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-07-21


【导演】:Reshef Levy
【主演】: Oshri Cohen/Michael Moshonov/Shmil Ben Ari
【标签】: 喜剧/剧情
【上映时间】: 2008-03-03
【片长】: Israel: 103
【原名】:Lost Islands
【评分】:豆瓣:7.6 ,IMDB:7.3
【IMDb链接】: tt1210351
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部失落的岛屿喜剧/剧情片中,1980年,雷伊一家人生活在当时还略嫌稚嫩的以色列。父亲每天都教育自己的孩子们,实现人生理想的重要,而他妻子则告诫大家要绝对忠于家庭。家中的双胞胎同时爱上了城里新来的姑娘。 主人公Erez发现,想要在忠于家庭和实现个人梦想两者间寻得平衡是何其困难。当各种原因而造成的家庭危机一一浮现,麻烦也接踵而至。 背负着深深的罪恶感,Erez试图摆脱命运的捉弄。阴差阳错间,却与自己的孪生哥哥交换了梦想。他成就了哥哥Opher的梦想,加入了以色列军队的突击队,而Opher则代替他留下来支撑着支离破碎的家,并且与Erez最爱的人有染。Erez能否战胜命运的挑战? 无法实现梦想的人生,价值又当论几何? 本片获得以色列奥斯卡4项大奖以及另外10个提名,围绕一个以色列少年和他的一大家子,记叙了一个成长和烦恼的故事。在爱情和亲情之间,轻松幽默有之;痛苦和烦恼有之……具有很强的可看性。

The year is 1980. The Levis, a large family with a unique lifestyle, live in what was then a rather naive State of Israel. Mr. Levi lectures his children daily on the importance of fulfilling their dreams, while his wife preaches absolute family loyalty. The family's twin boys both fall in love with a new girl in town. Erez, our hero, discovers how difficult it is to balance family loyalty against fulfillment of one's personal dreams. Matters become increasingly complicated when Erez somehow causes a severe family crisis. Beset by guilt feelings, he attempts to escape his fate, somehow exchanging dreams with his twin brother. He is drafted into a commando unit of the Israeli Army, just as his brother always dreamed of doing, while Ofer remains at home to take care of his broken family and has an affair with the love of Erez's life. Can Erez challenge destiny? Of what value is the life of someone who does not fulfill his dreams?



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