2019[星球大战恶搞版]Star Worlds Episode XXXIVE=MC2: The Force Awakens the Last Jedi Who Went Rogue[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-18 / 发布时间:2019-11-18


【标签】: 喜剧
【原名】:Star Worlds Episode XXXIVE=MC2: The Force Awakens the Last Jedi Who Went Rogue
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt6520712
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部星球大战恶搞版喜剧片中,曾经推出过《恐怖电影》(Scary Movie)、《灾难电影》(Disaster Movie)、《吸血鬼很烂》(Vampires Suck)等恶搞电影的Jason Friedberg与Aaron Seltzer这对组合又要出手了,这次他们恶搞的目标是《星球大战》! 他们给这部筹备中的恶搞电影起了个很长也很逗的名字——《Star Worlds Episode XXXIVE=MC2: The Force Awakens the Last Jedi Who Went Rogue》。 “Star Worlds”显然是“Star Wars”的谐音,“Episode XXXIVE=MC2”把爱因斯坦的质能方程都搬出来了,而“The Force Awakens the Last Jedi Who Went Rogue”则一句话把三部“星球大战”电影的片名《原力觉醒》、《侠盗一号》、《最后的绝地武士》全部囊括其中。 对于这样的恶搞电影大家恐怕也不会在意剧情什么的,反正这几年热门影视剧的梗是少不了了。 《星球大战恶搞版》计划今年晚些时候开拍,观众们也许明年就能看到了。

From the hacks who are so irrelevant, they don't even have their pictures on IMDb...or anywhere, comes their lastest exploit of a genre beaten like a dead horse. Witness the obvious lack of effort through a script that thinks putting people in horrible costumes of the most popular movies at the time then kicking them in the balls or putting them through bad slapstick is still somehow funny. They'll also cast amateur D list comedy actors who failed in their demo reels for Saturday Night Live, and just need something for the bills. And the movie will be so dated by pop culture references, that you'd forget the film literally seconds out of seeing it. That's funny, like these guys could get film back into a movie theater again. But anyway, come see this insulting pile of filth when it hits your local dumpster.


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