
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-03


【主演】: 陈赫/姚星彤/常远/陆海涛
【标签】: 喜剧
【上映时间】: 2015-08-06(中国大陆)
【片长】: 90
【又名】:职场菜鸟指南/Love in the Office
【评分】:豆瓣:4.2 ,IMDB:3.6
【IMDb链接】: tt4886016
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部一路向前喜剧片中,牛顿(陈赫 饰)是一位极其平凡的青年,大学毕业后进入公司工作,一年过去,依然混得不温不火,前途暗淡。牛顿暗恋着同事姚姚(姚星彤 饰),但他深知美丽火热的姚姚和默默无闻的自己并不属于同一个世界,况且姚姚已经有了帅气多金的男友,身无长技的牛顿完全没有实力与之抗衡。 某日,公司下派了一个前往纽约公干的绝好机会,公司里几乎每个人都野心勃勃,想要得到这个机会,牛顿当然也包括在内。在好友卡耐基(常远 饰)的怂恿和建议之下,牛顿为了得到工作简直厚颜无耻不择手段,与此同时,姚姚的感情却遭遇了危机,在事业上亦陷入了瓶颈。©豆瓣

Newton (Chen He) is a very ordinary young man, after college to enter the company to work, a year later, still has no progress ,the future is dim. Newton was secretly in love with his colleague Yao Yao (Yao Xingtong), but he knew that Yao Yao, who was beautiful and attractive, did not belong to the same world as him. And Yao Yao already has the handsome multi-gold boyfriend, that Newton have no ability to compete with it. One day, the company sent a great opportunity to go to New York on business. Nearly everyone in the company was ambitious and wanted the opportunity, and Newton was, of course, on of them. With the encouragement and advice of his good friend Carnegie (Chang Yuan), Newton was brazen enough to do anything to get that job. At the same time, Yao's relationship were in danger and she was also stuck in a bottleneck in her career. If love and career could only choose one, how would Newton choose?

烂片——极度老套且毫无营养的剧情。《一路向前 》影评:敢问一句 公理何在?。放弃故事,只说表演。“陈赫事件”原创分析:天下从来就没有一劳永逸的天长地久|晓雅(澳大利亚首席华语心灵导师 )。关于这部电影的喷子。那些黑粉心机 婊们给我听好了。说身边的事。出轨男的春天。《一路向前》:华谊员工练手之作。牵着女神的手一路向前。


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