
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-07-24


【主演】: 罗丝安妮·休佩诺特/格雷厄姆·格林/埃里克·施维克/坦图·卡丁诺
【标签】: 冒险
【上映时间】: 2013-06-15(中国大陆)
【片长】: 100
【评分】:豆瓣:6.9 ,IMDB:6.7
【IMDb链接】: tt2600730
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部马伊娜冒险片中,因纽特部落的酋长之女马伊娜(Roseanne Supernault 饰),英勇善战,足智多谋。领地闯入了来自北方的入侵者——一支叫做“冰地主人”的伊努克部落。一场血战后,双方伤亡惨重,马伊娜的父亲被人下毒害死,家破人亡。为了信守对已逝朋友的承诺,她踏上长路追踪弟弟尼普基的下落。尼普基被“冰地主人”部落一起掳走,成为首领之子的奴隶,与他们一起迁徙辗转,同时尼普基也领略到了大自然、造物主的险恶雄奇。马伊娜最终被带进伊努克人的冰雪之地,并努力融入北方民族质朴原始的生活。

Maïna is the daughter of the Innu Chief Mishte-nape, who witnesses a bloody clash between their clan and the clan of "Men of the Land Without Trees." Following this unsolicited confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarks on the trail of their enemies to rescue Nipki, her friend's 11-year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she is also taken as a prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land Without Trees.



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