1992[绝望的一天]O Dia do Desespero[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2018-05-10


【主演】: 特丽莎·马德鲁加/Mário Barroso/路易斯·米格尔·辛特拉/Diogo Dória
【标签】: 传记/剧情
【上映时间】: 1992-10-30(葡萄牙)
【片长】: 75
【原名】:O Dia do Desespero
【又名】:Day of Despair
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.0
【IMDb链接】: tt0104099
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部绝望的一天传记/剧情片中,In 1992 Oliveira made O Dia do Desespero, which deals with the last days and suicide of Romantic novelist Camilo Castelo Branco and is based largely on the writer's letters. Most of it was filmed in the house where Castelo Branco in fact committed suicide. The film opens, midway through the credits, with a 50-second static shot of a pen-and-ink portrait of the writer. Other portraits, always shot with a static camera, punctuate the film's narrative, lending it a documentary tone from the outset. The spectator might expect, at this point, that the “story” will now begin. However, the man seated at the desk stands up, faces the camera, and introduces himself as the actor Mário Barroso, who will be playing the role of Camilo Castelo Branco (and who played Castelo Branco in the earlier Francisca), and offers information about the writer. A bit later in the film, Ana Madruga, the actress who plays Castelo Branco's companion Ana Plácido, does the same thing, at the same time briefly serving as a “guide” to the Castelo Branco museum where the film was shot. Despite the existence of these ostensibly “documentary” elements – the house, the portraits, the actors presenting themselves as such – O Dia de Desespero, Oliveira insists, is a fiction film, but it is one that refuses to deceive the spectator (in Baecque and Parsi, 56) by pretending to be what it is not. In O Dia de Desespero and other films, Manoel de Oliveira questions the ontological status of such terms as “fiction” and “documentary” and challenges, through the pursuit of his own cinematic vision, some of the filmic and narrative conventions that have come to dominate mainstream commercial cinema. His films also challenge the spectator to think about, rather than passively accept, that which is shown on the screen.

Portrait of the last years of the XIX century's Portuguese writer Camilo Castelo Branco, who had been suffering from an eye disease and one day wakes up blind. His despair, as a writer unable to write, led him to suicide.


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