
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-03-21 / 发布时间:2018-04-29


【导演】:Kevin Tenney
【主演】: Adam Raque/安吉·艾佛哈特/理查德·泰森/Kenyon Dudley
【标签】: 冒险/家庭
【上映时间】: 2008
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:4.7
【IMDb链接】: tt1294144
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部大脚冒险/家庭片中,Percy Caldwell爱上了学校里最受欢迎的啦啦队队员Madison,但他的朋友Leonard觉得他根本没戏。当Percy把Madison从两个恶霸手里救下来后,他的自行车被两个恶霸开车撞到路下,并最终在森林里撞毁。当他来到这里,他遇到了一个新朋友:Bigfoot,一个8英尺高的最近在森林火灾中消失了的生物。因为家人不相信他的故事,Percy决定自己照顾Bigfoot。但当那两个恶霸碰巧看到了Bigfoot之后,他们决定捉住这它并把它带回他们的农场,卖个好价钱。现在轮到Percy、Leonard和Madison去营救Bigfoot并把它带回它自己的家中去了。 Percy Caldwell is in love with the school's most popular cheerleader, Madison, but his best friend Leonard doesn't think he stands a chance. After Percy rescues Madison from the unwanted attention of two bullies, they knock his bicycle off the road with their truck, and he ends up crashing in the forest. When he comes to, he is confronted by a new friend, Bigfoot, an eight-foot-tall creature, who has been displaced by a recent forest fire. Since his parents do not believe his story, Percy decides he has to look after Bigfoot. But when the two bullies stumble upon Bigfoots existence, they decide to capture him, take him back to their farm, and sell him to the highest bidder. Now its up to Percy, Leonard, and Madison to rescue Bigfoot and return him to his home.

Percy Caldwell is in love with the school's most popular cheerleader, Madison, but his best friend Leonard doesn't think he stands a chance. After Percy rescues Madison from the unwanted attention of two bullies, they knock his bicycle off the road with their truck, and he ends up crashing in the forest. When he comes to, he is confronted by a new friend, Bigfoot, an eight-foot-tall creature, who has been displaced by a recent forest fire. Since his parents do not believe his story, Percy decides he has to look after Bigfoot. But when the two bullies stumble upon Bigfoots existence, they decide to capture him, take him back to their farm, and sell him to the highest bidder. Now its up to Percy, Leonard, and Madison to rescue Bigfoot and return him to his home.


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