2016[罗尔德·达尔的壮丽人生]The Marvellous World of Roald Dahl[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-02-24 / 发布时间:2018-02-24


【导演】:Andrew Thompson
【主演】: 罗伯特·林德森/昆丁·布雷克/Chantal Coady/Liccy Dahl
【标签】: 传记/历史/纪录片
【上映时间】: 2016-07-23(英国)
【片长】: 59
【原名】:The Marvellous World of Roald Dahl
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt7205604
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部罗尔德·达尔的壮丽人生传记/历史/纪录片片中,Fighter pilot, inventor, spy - the life of Roald Dahl is often stranger than fiction. From crashing his plane over Africa to hobnobbing in Hollywood ,and his remarkable encounters with everyone from Walt Disney to President Roosevelt - this is the story of his greatest adventures, and how his real-life escapades find expression in his most famous books, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Matilda. Through a vast collection of his letters, writings and archive, the story is told largely in his own words, with contributions from his last wife Liccy, daughter Lucy and biographer Donald Sturrock. Long-term collaborator and illustrator Quentin Blake also creates exclusive new drawings for the film which are specially animated to bring Dahl's marvellous world to life.

Coverage of commemorations marking the centenary of the First World War.


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