2004[艾里克漫游虫境记]Erik of het klein insectenboek[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-03-19 / 发布时间:2016-09-24


【导演】:Gidi van Liempd
【主演】: Jasper Oldenhof/Lenette van Dongen
【标签】: 冒险/悬疑
【上映时间】: 2004-12-09
【片长】: 97
【原名】:Erik of het klein insectenboek
【又名】:Eric in the Land of Insects/艾里克漫游虫境记/埃里克与土地昆虫
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:5.6
【IMDb链接】: tt0391965
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部艾里克漫游虫境记冒险/悬疑片中,本片改编自荷兰作家高弗莱德·波曼(Godfried Bomans)的经典同名小说。 一次偶然的机会,十岁的埃里克被送入到一副画里,并与画中的昆虫们展开了一次奇妙的旅程。返回现实世界后,埃里克变化巨大,他不但成为了同学心目中的小英雄,还让他暗恋的罗莎丽对他刮目相看。 埃里克是个爱幻想的孩子。因为一心暗恋着罗莎丽,他把昆虫课的演讲题材也搞错了。一个偶然的机会让他发现了魔法,并在那夜被送入了昆虫世界。刻骨铭心的冒险之后,埃里克了解到,对于昆虫来说本能比思考更重要,他也收获了珍贵的友谊。最让人欣慰的是,埃里克正确认识了人生,并能勇敢地面对生活里的变故。《昆虫王国历险记》类似于其他著名的儿童剧,如《爱丽丝漫游仙境》和《绿野仙踪》,本片的小主人公也是被送往一片神奇的土地上开始了自己的历险。影片的制作风格则是真人表演与电脑动画结合,营造出如同影片《大魔域》一般的梦幻氛围。

In this movie -after the classical Godfried Bomans novel of the same Dutch title- with musical elements, Erik is a Dutch ten year-old schoolboy who is studying insects at school, and gets shown and explained a bit about them by his kind and knowledgeable nature-loving grandfather, whose country estate is a good place to do so and turns out to have a book on insects, which allows Erik to pass for one night, rather like Alice in Wonderland, as a miniature man among thus giant-looking, talking insects, who discuss their and other species and their lives with him, mainly winged ones, such as bee, fly and wasp.


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