
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-18 / 发布时间:2019-11-16


【主演】: 伊勢谷友介
【标签】: 动作/犯罪/剧情
【上映时间】: 2003-07-26
【片长】: 108
【评分】:豆瓣:6.6 ,IMDB:6.9
【IMDb链接】: tt0366659
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.kore-eda.com/kakuto


在这部醒来的人动作/犯罪/剧情片中,奔跑,在迷糊里奔跑。电脑技术的发展让梦有了视觉化的可能,毕竟这比手绘动画进了一步。 黄昏,金盆的余晖洒在城市的天空,坐在屋顶的孩子,逆光里的身影在夕阳里冥想,但那些异想更像是导演的喃喃自语。 父辈的说法是他们的年华,我们的放任是时代的逼迫,我们不是没有思想,我们只是为了介入的雷同而不再思考。放弃思想是社会给予我们的训诫。 凳子是礼物,同样身体也是礼物,在两者中间的是恣意的叫声和木然的眼神,可以物化的世界,只是公平的交易。 纯情的表白有时象净蓝的天极,让我们恍惚在梦里回旋,少年的告白有着青春的特色,当有天回首,我们发现,诺言尚存,佳人不再。 孩子希望看到被人承认自己的长大,浴室里尚志对叶子讲查理·布朗的成功之路的故事正是这样的写照。 可是,孩子喜欢的毕竟是一种忘忧的生活,在迪高里舒展、嗑药,那个叫叶子的男孩混迹于这样的生活却不甘心彻底的滑落,盥洗室内,在迷幻的音乐里叶子的想象有着云端的感觉。

Ryo is given the job of selling a smoke carton full of ecstasy by a big yakuza boss. While at the bosses place he gets high on both acid and cocain. Later, while leaving, he accidently drops the carton. Later he meets up with two friends and realises he's lost the ecstasy. The three friends drive around for a while until Ryo remembers he must have dropped it just outside the bosses place, only thing is he cant remember where the apartment building was. They find the place eventually but just as he is going in the yakuza boss, who now suspects him of leaking info to the heat is just outside, along with a police officer who has been tailing the boss for a while. Ryo gets chased with a samurai sword by the boss, meanwhile the boss is being chased by the cops. The boss gets arrrested eventually and Ryo gets away. His trip turns very bad and he ends up running the streets naked in winter, crying and passing out. Eventualy he finds both his friends and the carton full of E, and all turns ...


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