
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-11-22 / 发布时间:2017-11-20


【主演】: 于倩/陈鸿烈/田丰
【标签】: 动作/武侠
【上映时间】: 1970-02-18
【片长】: 88
【又名】:The Winged Tiger
【评分】:豆瓣:6.1 ,IMDB:6.8
【IMDb链接】: tt1121930
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部插翅虎动作/武侠片中,武林两大恶魔「插翅虎」邓飞(郑雷饰)及「活阎王」阴得龙(田丰饰),分别获得当年武圣所遗留下来的武功秘本的一半。阴得龙为了获得完整的武功独霸武林,将胞妹阴赛花(于倩饰)招赘邓飞。郭九如(陈鸿烈 饰)为了挽救武林浩劫,冒充邓飞去会阴得龙,后九如身份败露,陷入重重包围之中……

Once, the King of Martial Arts wrote a manual of all skills but, in order to prevent it being held by one person he split the manual into two parts - one holding all the even numbered pages and the other holding the odd pages. Currently half the manual is held by the Winged Tiger Deng Fei (a villainous expert in a technique which is almost like flying) and the other is in the possession of Master Yin (better known as the King of Hades). In order to obtain both copies for himself, Yin has arranged for his sister Yin Cai Fa to marry Deng Fei in return for his half of the manual. Unwilling to let one man hold all the power and keen to share the manual with the world, the Chief of Mount Hua and the heads of the martial arts schools send Flying Hero Guo Jiou Ru to obtain both copies. The plan is simple, kill the Winged Tiger to get his copy and then Guo Jiou Ru will use his power of mimicry and similar fighting style to impersonate Deng Fei and infiltrate the Yin home in order to get the ...



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