• Hlinený holub

    [2005]Hlinený holub[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/短片/战争//Milos Tomic/Marija Djordjevic/Milos Tomic

    2024-03-24 14
  • Radical Hardcore

    [2015]Radical Hardcore[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/Thomas Hardiman/Shahid Ahmed/娜塔莉·加文

    In a carpet megastore, a sale between a customer and a store clerk becomes instantly intimate and romantically charged. While perusing samples and gazing into one another...

    2024-03-24 24
  • Miracle in Bethlehem, PA.

    [2023]Miracle in Bethlehem, PA.[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/杰夫·比斯利/本杰明·艾尔斯/布雷登·布莱尔/Lauren Cochrane

    玛丽·安·布鲁贝克(Mary Ann Brubeck)事业成功且非常独立,她在圣诞节前收养了一名女婴,独自抚养长大。由于天气原因,她和孩子被困在宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒过节。当客栈没有房间时,...

    2024-03-27 15
  • 老师的善意谎言



    2024-03-19 45
  • 征服甜心 特别篇

    [2024]征服甜心 特别篇[豆瓣0分]

    烘焙情人夢 特別篇 / Bake Me Please Special Episode / 烘香情爱 特集 / 请烘焙我 特集 / Phichit Chai Nai Sai Wan Special Episode / 烘暖心房 特别篇 / 烘开心门 特别篇 / 征服你的心,甜心 特集/爱情/同性/泰语//提迪瓦·立帕拉赛/普里潘·萨帕桑萨瓦特/吉德·坎塔彭·措姆普潘/普拉姆·塔努普·帕图姆/Atom Nathaphop Kanjanteak

    2024-03-06 16
  • Robin and the Hood

    [2024]Robin and the Hood[豆瓣0分]


    When an unscrupulous developer (Harris) threatens their magical kingdom of overgrown bushes at the end of their cul-de-sac, the tenacious Robin and her loyal friends, the...

    2024-02-23 17
  • Flip That Romance

    [2019]Flip That Romance[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情//Mark Jean/朱丽叶·冈扎罗/泰勒·海涅斯/王卡帝/Jacqueline Samuda/Fiona Vroom/马修·凯文·安德森/Fred Henderson/Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe/Shannon Chan-Kent/Pauline Egan/Ramon Terrell/Nathanael Quigley/Christopher Mackie/Kelt Eccleston/Austin Anozie/Dawson Rutledge

    Rival house flippers, Jules Briggs (Julie Gonzalo) and Lance Waddell (Tyler Hynes) renovate dual sides of a duplex and rekindle an old romance.

    2024-03-09 16
  • Besættelse



    2024-02-28 15
  • Heaven Down Here

    [2023]Heaven Down Here[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/Anne Wheeler/Krystal Joy Brown/Tina Lifford/Juan Riedinger

    Inspired by Mickey Guyton's song of the same name, "Heaven Down Here" tells the story of four disparate people who find themselves stranded in a local diner on ...

    2024-02-15 18
  • Ruki’s First Summer

    [2026]Ruki’s First Summer[豆瓣0分]

    /家庭//Frédérique Veith/

    2024-03-23 12
  • 胜利者


    Winners/家庭/德语/索琳·优素福/Dileyla Agirman/安德烈亚斯·德勒/Fatima Hamieh/Sherine Merai/Amira Shamieh

    MONA ist aus Syrien und neu in der Schule. Viele Lehrer dort sind mit ihren Nerven am Ende, das Frustlevel der Schüler steigt. Mona kann kaum Deutsch, aber Fußball. Der...

    2024-03-08 11
  • 阿穆夏


    Amuusia/爱情/意大利语/Marescotti Ruspoli/芬妮·阿尔丹/毛里齐奥·隆巴迪/Adriano Chiaramida/Giampiero De Concilio/卡洛塔·甘巴


    2024-03-08 16
  • William & Lucy

    [2022]William & Lucy[豆瓣0分]


    When young William Wordsworth (28) meets Lucy Sims (17), each is stunned by an extraordinary magnetic attraction - that begins a never before told romance. His dramatic r...

    2024-02-28 14
  • 钱袋头


    /爱情/短片/英语/Patrick O'Brien/亨利·罗林斯/Chris Grace/Rachel Winfree

    Dennis is searching for human connection despite having a head that looks like a literal bag of money.

    2024-03-23 12
  • Fotograflar


    /爱情/土耳其语/Irfan Tözüm/

    2024-03-08 11
  • 问女何所思


    What does she do these days/爱情/马拉地语/Satish Rajwade/Ajit Sable/Ankush Chaudhari/Tejashree Pradhan/Abhinay Berde


    2024-03-26 19
  • 疯狂的主播




    2024-03-13 18
  • Father Africa

    [2017]Father Africa[豆瓣0分]

    /家庭/运动//Chase Crittenden/

    A coming-of-age story that follows the main character, Cameron, as he goes on a journey to meet his real father who he recently discovers is Tanzanian, which opens his ey...

    2024-03-02 17
  • Eat, Love, London

    [2023]Eat, Love, London[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/Robert Shannon/

    2024-03-27 12
  • 赫夫苏列季歌谣


    Khevsurian Ballad/爱情/格鲁吉亚语/Shota Managadze/Sofiko Chiaureli/Dodo Abashidze

    Sofiko Chiaureli win the Best Actress Award at Locarno International Film Festival 1965.

    2024-03-17 17
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