• Other



    Obsessed with finding a cure for his terminal illness, a moribund doctor pushes the boundaries of modern science to buy himself some time. However, is a man's fervent wil...

    2021-09-15 14
  • 黑盒子


    /科幻/惊悚/英语/Angel Delgado/John R. Walker/Garry Graham-Smith/Kerry Ely

    Marcus is the only survivor of a space accident in an asteroid-mining station. After the accident kills all the other people in it, he ends up trapped in a damaged escape...

    2021-09-12 38
  • Fall of Grayskull

    [2015]Fall of Grayskull[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Daniel Benedict/艾伦·欧朋海默/Mercedez Varble/Lindsey Menche/Louisa Torres/Brian Cage/Kevin Clark/Johnny Bilson/Alexandria Hendrick

    He-Man & Skeletor battle for control of Castle Grayskull in this fan film based on the popular 80's cartoon/toy... Masters of the Universe!

    2021-09-07 13
  • 睡眠中工作


    /科幻/惊悚/短片/英语/Gavin Williams/Catherine MacCabe/Stephen Gregory/Jacqueline Phillips/Eva Quinn/Philip Harrison


    2021-09-06 13
  • 跨次元摔跤联盟


    /科幻/英语/Mikey Tiffany/黛博拉·特维斯/黛布拉莱恩/艾丽莎·道林/Dallas Page/尼雅迪恩/Ginifer Ree/Stephanie Bellars/Frankie Ray/James Stokes/Mikey Tiffany/Wil Wilson/Myretta Ballou/Natalie Peri/Matthew Conway

    2021-09-06 11
  • 被遗忘的垃圾



    A film graduate stumbles across an alien in the woods who convinces him to help with an intergalactic television show. In it the alien travels from planet to planet tortu...

    2021-09-14 21
  • 机械心灵



    机械的心灵 无谓的爱情

    2021-09-07 12
  • 414区


    /科幻/英语/安德鲁·贝尔德/盖·皮尔斯/崔维斯·费米尔/约翰内斯·豪克尔·约翰内森/科林·萨蒙/奈德·丹内利/玛蒂尔达·鲁茨/乔纳森·阿里斯/安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯/欧文·弗热瑞/玛吉·克罗宁/Jorin Cooke/Holly Demaine


    2021-09-05 97
  • 深空六号基地


    /科幻/英语/Davin Lengyel/Olunike Adeliyi/克里斯蒂安·布鲁恩/Ginger Ruriko Busch/Mika Collins/Katherine Gauthier/Joanna Haughton/Casey Hudecki/Andy Hull/海伦·约翰斯/米歇尔·摩根/克里斯·拉茨

    Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operatin...

    2021-08-31 31
  • 遗忘之歌



    A man struggles to free thousands of people who disappeared within an apocalyptic hellscape known as 'Oblivion'.

    2021-09-05 11
  • 奇妙的你VR


    Wonderful You VR/科幻/英语/约翰·达兰特/

    通过 VR,回到婴儿未出生的子宫世界,探索婴儿时期的声音、视觉、触觉、听觉和味觉的发展。 由奥斯卡奖提名者Samantha Morton讲述,用最新的科学研究来揭示感官发展的故事。在子宫内...

    2021-08-30 27
  • The Hiking Trip

    [2007]The Hiking Trip[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Robert Parent/

    2021-09-05 13
  • 光子效应


    /科幻/英语/Dan Poole/Dave Ehrman/Mitchell Paschall/Ariana Almajan/Dan Poole/Frank B. Moorman

    2021-08-29 11
  • Khateeat Malak

    [1979]Khateeat Malak[豆瓣0分]

    Sin of an Angel/科幻/歌舞/奇幻/阿拉伯语/Yehia El Alami/Adel Adham/Salah Zu Al-Faqqar

    2021-09-03 11
  • Glitterball


    /科幻/家庭/英语/Harley Cokeliss/Ben Buckton/Keith Jayne/Ron Pember

    2021-09-12 16
  • True=Crypt


    /科幻/恐怖//Alyx Fox/Baba Jaga/Oprana Kim/Alyx Fox

    A cyberpunk gangbang of machines, rubber, dust, lust, and horror. Mysterious posthuman creatures reclaim space in the darkness that springs from the broken streets and fo...

    2021-09-03 12
  • The Lost Jungle

    [1934]The Lost Jungle[豆瓣0分]



    2021-09-10 13
  • Surfer's Paradise

    [2019]Surfer's Paradise[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Max Gold/Ben Palacios/玛丽·亚马莫托/蒂莫西·拉德福德/Oliver Singer/Hana Vagnerová/Brant Rotnem/Eva Josefíková/Janek Gregor

    2021-09-01 11
  • 女英雄千钧一发 vol.1

    [2004]女英雄千钧一发 vol.1[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/日语//立花里子 Riko Tachibana/岡田勝/大野剣友会

    2021-08-22 11
  • 怪体


    /科幻/英语/Arch Oboler/Michael Cole/黛博拉·沃莉/Johnny Desmond/维吉尼亚·格雷格/Kassie McMahon

    2021-09-08 15
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