• Karl ja Carla

    [2020]Karl ja Carla[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/短片//Andres Keil/

    A look into the near future where excessive regulation of society has lead to unexpected consequences in human relationships.

    2021-10-12 10
  • 量子革命


    /科幻/英语/诺亚·哈顿/Dean Imperial/Madeline Wise/Babe Howard

    Delivery man Ray Tincelli is struggling to support himself and his ailing younger brother. He turns to quantum cabling, a strange new corner of the gig economy, and faces...

    2021-09-28 41
  • Call Back

    [2013]Call Back[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/悬疑/短片/英语/Rani Naamani/Carlos F. Puertolas/Christian Neeman/Sophia Laplagia/Nelson Brown/Kevin Andrus

    A husband gets a fleeting glimpse of redemption after a bloody encounter with his unfaithful wife and her lover.

    2021-10-11 15
  • 超级塔罗姆



    2021-10-05 15
  • Other



    Obsessed with finding a cure for his terminal illness, a moribund doctor pushes the boundaries of modern science to buy himself some time. However, is a man's fervent wil...

    2021-09-15 14
  • Recycle


    /科幻/短片/奇幻/英语/Valentina I. Avayu/

    2021-10-11 10
  • Runaway Day

    [2013]Runaway Day[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/Greek/Dimitris Bavellas/Dimitris Bavellas

    2021-09-23 20
  • 睡眠中工作


    /科幻/惊悚/短片/英语/Gavin Williams/Catherine MacCabe/Stephen Gregory/Jacqueline Phillips/Eva Quinn/Philip Harrison


    2021-09-06 13
  • AI启示录


    伟大的C/科幻/短片/英语/Steve Miller/


    2021-10-06 30
  • Take Off

    [2016]Take Off[豆瓣0分]



    2021-10-12 14
  • Rahab


    /科幻/英语/Rob McLellan/Jessica Oyelowo/David Oyelowo

    达米克人包围了残暴的约里斯图人及其人造奴隶柯比亚人居住的城堡。破城在即,达米克间谍米尔(Kobna Holdbrook-Smith 饰)潜入城堡,以期尽快结束战斗,但是他的踪迹被敌人发现,于是...

    2021-09-26 16
  • Fall of Grayskull

    [2015]Fall of Grayskull[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Daniel Benedict/艾伦·欧朋海默/Mercedez Varble/Lindsey Menche/Louisa Torres/Brian Cage/Kevin Clark/Johnny Bilson/Alexandria Hendrick

    He-Man & Skeletor battle for control of Castle Grayskull in this fan film based on the popular 80's cartoon/toy... Masters of the Universe!

    2021-09-07 13
  • Terrifying Tales

    [1989]Terrifying Tales[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/恐怖/英语/Paul Bunnell/Armand Garabidian/

    La Fiesta de la Virgen del Rosario en Iruya, provincia de Salta, es una de las tantas fiestas que se celebran en el Noroeste de Argentina donde se representa la fusión d...

    2021-09-15 20
  • 遗忘之歌



    A man struggles to free thousands of people who disappeared within an apocalyptic hellscape known as 'Oblivion'.

    2021-09-05 11
  • 奇妙的你VR


    Wonderful You VR/科幻/英语/约翰·达兰特/

    通过 VR,回到婴儿未出生的子宫世界,探索婴儿时期的声音、视觉、触觉、听觉和味觉的发展。 由奥斯卡奖提名者Samantha Morton讲述,用最新的科学研究来揭示感官发展的故事。在子宫内...

    2021-08-30 27
  • Future Soldier

    [2018]Future Soldier[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Dom Tugby/

    2021-10-15 14
  • The Legend of Cooley Moon

    [2012]The Legend of Cooley Moon[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/悬疑/恐怖/英语/Brett DeJager/

    2021-10-01 19
  • 水星播种



    2021-10-13 38
  • Glitterball


    /科幻/家庭/英语/Harley Cokeliss/Ben Buckton/Keith Jayne/Ron Pember

    2021-09-12 16
  • Attack of the Moon Zombies

    [2011]Attack of the Moon Zombies[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/恐怖/英语/Christopher R. Mihm/

    2021-10-01 13
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