• Juliet


    /科幻/法语/Marc-Henri Boulier/

    2021-12-13 16
  • Deus


    /科幻//Steve Stone/克劳迪娅·布莱克/大卫·奥哈拉/菲尔·戴维斯/丽莎·艾科恩/布兰科·托莫维奇/徐钰涵/Charlie MacGechan/Sophia Pettit/Richard Blackwood

    A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation...

    2021-12-07 36
  • Tehran-Geles


    /科幻/短片/历史/波斯语/Arash Nassiri/

    2021-12-05 18
  • Strings


    /科幻/动画/英语/施蕊妮/Gary Pillai

    A virtual affair in an obsolete futuristic game.
      一段发生在过时复古游戏里的虚拟爱恋。 ...

    2021-12-08 19
  • 上古鬼咒


    雕像诅咒/科幻/恐怖/英语/Matteo Ribaudo/克林特·霍华德/奥利弗·库珀/考特妮·帕姆/萨拉·贝克

    Box Girl Lily an influencer wannabe will risk anything for fans including her boyfriend's sanity. Promoting her next project she receives a mysterious statue. Desperate f...

    2021-12-05 35
  • 灯船


    /科幻/英语/约翰哈里根 John Harrigan/约瑟芬·雅顿 Josephine Arden/凯莉·克鲁考尔 Carrie Crookall/伊桑-詹姆斯·哈里根 Ethan-James Harrigan/约翰哈里根 John Harrigan/露西哈里根 Lucy Harrigan/乌西夫·贾洛 Usifu Jalloh/特蕾莎·卡梅尼卡 Tereza Kamenicka/大卫·莫纳德 David Monard/洛伊丝·泰梅尔 Lois Temel

    2021-12-07 33
  • Security Blanket

    [2005]Security Blanket[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/短片/英语/Tony Vega/

    2021-12-13 15
  • 末日谜团


    /科幻/惊悚/英语/Björn Engström/Lisa Bearpark/Daniel Epstein/Håkan Julander/Jennifer Lila/Vee Vimolmal

    Trapped in a mysterious room with no escape, four brilliant minds race against time to prevent a cosmic collapse of the universe. They must learn to work together and sol...

    2021-11-29 21
  • Research: Paranormal

    [2009]Research: Paranormal[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Michael J Roberts/Cathy Hernandez/Michael J Roberts

    2021-12-05 24
  • 玩具修理者


    Gangu shuriya / Toy Reanimator/科幻/奇幻/日语/はくぶん/田中丽奈/忍成修吾/麿赤児

    製作=キューフロント=バンダイビジュアル=テンカラット=電通=キュームービー  配給=キュームービー

    2021-11-23 21
  • Quantum of Vengeance

    [2013]Quantum of Vengeance[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/惊悚/英语/Ben Wydeven/Doug Gordon/Halley/Alissa Kulinski

    A young woman vows revenge against the person who murdered her father by traveling back in time.

    2021-12-13 16
  • The Complex: Lockdown

    [2020]The Complex: Lockdown[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/保罗·拉希德/米歇尔·麦莱特/阿尔·韦弗/凯特·迪基/Rachel Petladwala/金·阿迪斯/Vera Chok/博·福勒/乔恩尼·赫恩/Liz McMullen/Karen Westwood

    In the aftermath of a major bio-weapons attack in London, DR AMY TENANT and a former colleague DR. REES WAKEFIELD find themselves in a locked-down laboratory debating whe...

    2021-12-03 25
  • 寻觅者


    /科幻/英语/Natalie Kavanagh/Tom Cheshire/Betty Denville/Reanne Farley

    2021-11-30 21
  • 海王星霜冻



    该片讲述一位双性的非洲黑客与一名钽铁矿石矿工联合起来,制作了虚拟世界的奇观。是埃兹拉·米勒与索尔·威廉姆斯共同创建的MartyrLoserKin制片公司首个项目。 ...

    2021-11-29 64
  • 天上有洞:肖恩·米勒的故事


    /科幻/英语/Ash Hamilton/Ash Hamilton/Chanell Hamilton/Douglas McDonald

    In 2013, Sean Miller disappeared for four days. Seven years later, a group of documentary filmmakers set out to find why.

    2021-11-18 32
  • Consensus Gentium

    [2022]Consensus Gentium[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻//Karen Palmer/Miriam Teak-Lee/Zachary Hing/Tolu Kingba/Sorcha Farnan/Keon-Martial Phillip/Dean Christie

    2021-12-03 22
  • The Ape Regards His Tail

    [2017]The Ape Regards His Tail[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/冒险/英语/Michael Yate/Jacob Garcher,/Hugo Pierre Martin

    In an empty, desert landscape, a man wakes up alone. In pain, with no water and no memory of who he is or how he got there, he sets out to find help. As the elements take...

    2021-11-23 14
  • 最后的黑星人


    The Lost One/科幻/短片/汉语普通话/陈鸿毅/黑子/刘佳/邱浩/刘军/李雅君


    2021-11-13 15
  • The Cosmic Dope: A Plant Experience

    [2018]The Cosmic Dope: A Plant Experienc[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/短片/英语/Clemente/Caio Juliano/Haroldo Miklos/Karen Tribess

    A short film based on TV shows from the 60's, about plants and lysergic experiments.

    2021-12-03 20
  • Red Ruby

    [2017]Red Ruby[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/恐怖/短片/英语/Jose Holder/

    2021-11-23 13
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